Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Fundamentalist Leaders Miss the Mark!

I need to get something off my chest.  Please bear with me.

I have listened to a variety of sources ranging from YouTube videos, several ministry podcasts as well as having read several articles thus far on the tragic event in Newtown Connecticut.  I have found many of these sources, religious and otherwise, to be insightful, tender, wise and helpful. But today, today I heard from three conservative right-wing religious leaders that left me quite frankly shaking my head in disappointment.

In essence, all three of these leaders were saying in their own way and their own words that the young man who did the killing was satanic; that the whole event was the judgement of God on our culture, and we all better reconsider our worldview to be the same as these leaders, and repent - or we shall all likewise perish!  Now, wasn't that helpful?

Please don't misunderstand me, these negative doomsday proclaimers have every right to say what they want to say and what they believe.  But can we talk?  I mean really, where is their humanity?  Where is their sense of emotion and decency? Where is their heart for the tragic circumstances these parents, family and friends -  our entire nation - is suffering right now?  I heard no human concern from these religious leaders!  Only judgement and wrath.  Only their conservative fundamentalist theological interpretation and bias.  Nor were there offers of any possible actions that we might take or solutions we might pursue to help prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

These leaders were speaking to their followers and they were telling them how to respond to questions posed to them about why their God would allow or bring to pass a tragedy like this to happen.  Why did it happen?  They were told because of Satan, sin, judgement and God's wrath.  They were told that others in our nation had better believe just like they believe or they too will experience the wrath of God.

Followers of these religious leaders could then all return to their holy huddle and stay uncontaminated from the world cause after all they have done all they could do in this sinful, terrible, hell bound, corrupt world.

Does anyone wonder anymore why this kind of theology and belief system has lost so much credibility over the last generations in this nation?  There is very little loving kindness and compassion to be found!  It has become  like the resounding gong or clinging cymbals of 1 Corinthians 13.                

God help us all discover or rediscover the profound love and mercy of your Spirit.

Peace for real,

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