One of the issues we don't hear much about concerning the recent Boston Marathon bombing and mayhem which followed, is a thoughtful national self-evaluation about why these terrorist attempts and attacks are happening in the United States in the first place. Put another way we could ask, why do others hate us so?
We are hearing a great deal about how horrible it is (and indeed it is) when two brothers who are given asylum in our nation, fed, cared for, educated etc. show their 'gratitude' by turning on us, becoming radicalized with heretical Islamic jihad and plant two bombs at the finish line of the Boston marathon, killing three people and injuring two hundred more!. As an example of American outrage, just listen to Fox News anchor Judge Jeanine Pirro who recently on air 'went off' on this act of terror, the two brothers and their mother! It is indeed evil, despicable, insane, violently barbaric!
But why are these things happening? Why is it that persons and groups become so evil and hateful they want to kill innocent men, women and children in the United States of America? I mean, after all, we are 'the shinning nation on a hill', aren't we? The last great hope of humankind when it comes to freedom, justice, peace and equality for all, right? So who would want to hurt, kill and terrorize us?
Our own President Obama stated shortly after the Boston Marathon attack,
"Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror."
And who in America would disagree with his statement? We like to pride ourselves as citizens of this country on having a sharp mind and keen sense concerning right and wrong, justice and injustice, fairness and manipulation. We know "any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror."
But wait a minute. If our President's statement is true - and indeed it is - what about the many Drone attacks perpetrated by the United States against suspected 'terrorists' which have ended in the killing of a significant number (and one is too many) of innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen? These Drone attacks have included the deaths of American citizens, with at least one teenage American boy who was living in Yemen. Would not these acts of murder also be defined by the words of our own President as terrorism? "Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror." Or do we think that somehow this is different? I pray to God we don't!
If what happened in Boston is evil and terror (and it is), then we must conclude that the killing of innocent civilians in other parts of the world by the United States is evil and terror as well! And we, as citizens of this country, must demand that it ends immediately!
We as a nation, with elected government representatives, starting with our President, must see to it that we stop our senseless acts of violence - military and civilian - against ourselves and other nations and groups. If we want to be viewed as true global leaders and live by and view ourselves as a nation of peace and integrity, we cannot allow ourselves to continue down a road of terror and fool ourselves or others that we are a peace-loving people. We are just as much a part of the problem (maybe more so) as any others who conduct terrorist acts. We must stop! We must begin to chart an authentic policy of real national and international peace and reconciliation instead of what has become our evil, insane policy of violence, revenge and death. We must cease in our faulty thinking and illusion that violence will end violence.
If we were to begin to do this, what a profound difference it could make on a global scale! Reaching out to those who are considered our enemies, I believe we could, taking small, thoughtful steps, over time, move toward a more stable, less dangerous, respectful, peace-loving world. And I'm all for that!
Peace for real,
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Friday, April 5, 2013
Guns, Politicians and the NRA. Corruption in Action!
I don't understand how approximately 90% of Americans across the board favor effective background checks for would be gun owners and Majority Leader Harry Reid will not even bring it up for a vote in the U.S. Senate!
What is that about?
My concern is it's just another sign along the line with so many others that our "wonderful" congress is bought off by special interest groups and big money, this time the National Rifle Association, who apparently stands for and supports national gun violence and death, including the death of children! The idea that congressman would sell their souls to the NRA so they can receive NRA campaign money and be rated by the NRA as acceptable and worthy of re-election makes me sick to my stomach. Does anyone question the buying off of politicians anymore? 90% of Americans support this legislation for crying out loud! 90%!! I am told that hope for a ban on assault weapons and high caliber magazines (you know, the ones used to rip apart the bodies of twenty elementary children in Newtown?) is on longer even on the table! Along with this sad news there are a handful of demagogues in the senate who say they are prepared to filibuster any attempt at gun control legislation. How preposterous can this get?
And then there are my many religious friends who are always beating their chests about being pro-life! I'm pro-life. From the womb to the tomb! But many of my fellow Christians? They claim to be pro-life and yet they often support militarism, war, the death penalty and the NRA! Go figure. I guess they have decided to be pro-choice on the pro-life issue. Honestly, where do they think Jesus would stand on these issues? Their pro-life position is ridiculously inconsistent!
This country needs to do the right thing. We need to get off our way too comfortable backsides and write our congressman, protest wherever we can, and expect that there be signed into law a ban on assault weapons, high caliber magazines, and a national background check for the purchase of guns.
No one is talking about doing away with the second amendment. No one! You can have your appropriate firearms for hunting and for your so-called protection. But for God's sake, let's take steps to at least attempt to limit even one more person, one more child from being ripped apart because we allowed our so-called representatives to be bought off and corrupted by the insanity of the NRA and people like them.
Peace for real,
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