Thursday, February 28, 2013

You're an Abomination! And Oh, By the Way, God Loves You!

I was listening to a sermon message this morning on my laptop and in the message the speaker was lecturing on the subject of "The Truth."  In his comments he mentioned the recent brouhaha concerning Tim Tebow and Pastor Robert Jeffries.  Tim Tebow is the back up quarterback for the New York Jets and an evangelical Christian well know for his public displays of faith.  Mr. Tebow is a much sought after speaker in the faith world and has become a sort of Christian evangelical hero to many.  Pastor Robert Jeffries is Senior Pastor of the historic First Baptist Church in Dallas Texas who has, within the last couple of years become known as an outspoken and controversial spokesman on the hot-button issues of the day, like homosexuality, same-sex marriage, abortion and Christian exclusivity, to name a few.

Some time ago Mr. Tebow accepted an invitation to speak at First Baptist in Dallas when dedicating its new multimillion dollar campus and sanctuary next month.  Then, some columnists and commentators in the news media (including sports writers) took exception to Mr. Tebow's decision and said he was "making the biggest mistake of his life." They called Pastor Jeffries such things as a promulgator of discrimination, exclusivity and even hate.  Mr. Tebow, I suspect out of concern for his public persona and theological understanding, decided to change his mind and then backed out from Pastor Jeffries' invitation.

The point the speaker was making in the sermon message I listened to this morning was that Pastor Jeffries was standing for "The Truth" while Tim Tebow was backing away from "The Truth" and caving in to media pressure.  Mr. Tebow stated that he wants to continue bringing "faith, hope and love to those needing a brighter day" and he has received much support for his decision from many of his fans, Christian and otherwise.  Several Evangelical leaders have come to the defense of Pastor Jeffries stating he is a loving man of God and a dedicated orthodox teacher of the Bible.

So, as a good friend of mine often says, "What's really going on?

I have little doubt that Pastor Jeffries is a good man who believes sincerely in his faith and deeply held convictions.  He has the support of his congregation, many evangelical leaders, and I am sure countless others.  But he, and many like him in the conservative Christian world have, I believe, a problem of perception, a problem of tone.  Now, I know that the reputation Pastor Jeffries has in our culture comes largely from the media which isn't always known to be completely factual in it's reporting or commentaries.  Nonetheless, the media's view of Pastor Jeffries comes from the many words he has spoken when being interviewed by the media and therefore he has to be at least partially responsible and accountable for the views they hold and the reputation he has acquired. 

So, what is the perception problem? 

My Mother taught me from an early age that, "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care."  I think she is correct, and I have seen this truism played out in my life from both sides.  So, when anyone with a smile on their face comes up and says to you, or to the culture at large through the media that, "You're a sinner!  An abomination to God!  You're under the wrath of God!  You will tremble before God at the judgement!  And unless you repent in the way I say, you are going to hell!  And oh, by the way, God loves you and so do I!" That's a problem!  There is little care or concern in such an approach and so why listen to what you think!  My advice to anyone hearing this kind of approach to the gospel?  Run just as fast as you can!

This approach to the gospel doesn't work.  It comes across as cold, unloving, uncaring, wooden, superficial and short sighted.  It often suggests being more concerned with personal ego, being right (at least in your own eyes) than in building a genuine relationship of love and concern with the person or persons you are addressing.     

Conservative Christians across the spectrum who take this approach, knowingly or unknowingly, would do well, I believe, to step back in soul searching reflection and prayer (as perhaps Tim Tebow did), meditating on the love of God, the love he has for his people, and how this love should inform and transform the approach one takes in sharing the good news of God's grace.

Peace for real,

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Vision for SoulLight Ministries

Out of my murky, sometimes slow and distracted mind and heart, I seem to be "seeing" a kind of vision for SoulLight Ministries.  The weird thing is I haven't been looking!  And it's a little scary to think about!

As some of you know about me, I am no fan of our materialistic, consumer oriented, market-driven culture.  Period!  In the religious area of our culture, I have been associated with ministries throughout most of my adult life and I have been an observer of  religious organizations through the years and have seen all too often the marketing and public relations machines at work pumping out the "brand" and "product" of their ministries, and it has always made me uncomfortable.

Is the work of a ministry accomplished by the leading of the Holy Spirit as she guides and directs the ministry leadership and staff in service to others?  Is the mission driven by a desire to serve God with him at the center of all ministry effort and motivation?  Do the donations and offerings that are received the result of people being genuinely moved by the spiritual integrity and mission of the ministry? Or is much of the work of the ministry, staff, and donations the result of the slick, well oiled and varied marketing and public relation campaigns, not unlike any for profit corporation which pumps out its brand and product for consumption by it's consumers?

I am sad to say that my experience in working for various ministries through the years is there is at best a very blurred line between God honoring heart oriented ministry to those in need of spiritual help, and ministries that will drop the name of God as it feels it needs to in order to serve not so much God or others but rather to serve the marketing and public relations effort to bring in the greatest number of donations, so that it may continue to operate and do its work.  The work done is often more social, therapeutic, or self-help (not all bad) with the intent of assisting "clients" on how to become successful, self-sufficient and more viable consumers in our market-driven culture, with little offered in the way of spiritual counsel or direction.  And it troubles my heart.  

All of that to say that when it comes to a SoulLight Ministries' vision I desire that it be a spiritually organic, mustard seed, from the bottom, to those in need ministry, founded and operating out of Jesus' great commandment to love God, and love others as we love ourselves.  Period!  And whatever comes from this is to the glory of God!

And so, as I see it right now, SoulLight Ministries' vision focuses in three main areas: 

1. Contemplation - It starts and ends with each one involved seeking, willing a deeper experience in God.  "...the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God." (2 Corinthians 2:10). 

2. CompassionComing along side and being there for those who are suffering and in need, making a difference by our presence in their lives. "...when [Jesus] saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion for them, because they were distressed and scattered..." (Matthew 9:36).

3. Social Action - A Christian prays for God's will to be done on earth as in heaven.  This necessitates not only continued prayer and compassion, but also social action, standing against injustice and oppression in this culture so that God's reign on earth expands and advances.  "...what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8).  

So there you have it!

Please comment and let me know what you think.  I welcome and appreciate your input and suggestions.  Thank you so much for your interest and please continue to follow SoulLight Ministries not only via this blog but also through our new SoulLight Ministries' facebook page.  If you haven't already please consider "LIKING" our page so we can reach more facebook readers. 

Peace for real,